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What Up Poor Folks

So You Want To Know Why?

On September 8, 2023 Branson city officials created the “LODGING SAFETY INITIATIVE” Program. (SEE PAGE HERE)

At that time, if you recall, my blog gave Branson’s officials a close and serious look at the problems they have been ingesting over the years.

My blog puts on display the reality of the “NOMADIC” hotel lifestyle that is forced upon people who come to Branson for work and a place to live.

It was this same exact time my family and I were dealing with the “OAK GROVE INN” and leaning towards our 3rd “NOMADIC” hotel move within the Branson city limits.

These moves were initiated by the ignorance presented to me and my family from the owners and managers of the  “ENCLAVES HOLES – QUARTERS” It is due to their “DEVIOUS” hotel/apartment dealing they have committed fraud. Fraud against my family and many more “PO” folk families.

Let me share this with you. The day my husband and I went to meet Michelle to move into the “QUARTERS” a young lady was approaching her “USED” moped.

My husband proceeded to speak with her as he wanted to know the “COST” per month on that 2-wheel item. We were looking into purchasing one also.

As he approached the young lady, Michelle tried to stop him, she said we (meaning residents) don’t deal with the J1’s. Anyway my husband proceeded to ask the young lady “HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY FOR THAT THING?”

YOUNG LADY RESPONDED: $250.00 per month. At that time Michelle was trying desperately to get my husband’s attention because he was asking questions connected to that moped.

When my husband returned he said to Michelle:

“THAT’S A LOT OF MONEY TO BE PAYING FOR USED CRAP”. YOU CAN BUY THEM ALL DAY FOR $800.00″ Somebody is making a lot of money. Everyone knows where these high priced items come from. Michelle, did not respond.

IT MAKES ME WONDER. Do these “hotels” get a little kick back for promoting these bikes to the J1’s. Try giving them a car at that price, it’s much safer. These J1’s are getting screwed at every angle. Local people rent cars for $250.00 per month, while the J1’s ride 2-wheel bikes at that price, AND sleep in a 1-room hole, with “3-OTHER PEOPLE”4 PEOPLE IN A NASTY SMELLING RAT HOLE ROOM. ASK THEM AT THE ENCLAVE AND QUARTERS IS THAT HOW THEY OPERATE. – They might be truthful. MAYBE!

We then proceeded into the “SCAM” hotel business building to take our first look.


The reason that I do what I do, is because the “LODGING SAFETY INITIATIVE” program is new, and needs a little guidance from me. It was formed due to “MY” spoken words through “MY” blog that put on display for Branson and the world to see, the “PAIN” and “SUFFERING” many of Branson’s “BACKBONE” “PO” folk workers deal with daily. I am still searching for a way out of this hotel game situation, but while doing so, I am going to help others along the way, if they ask.

When that program was introduced, I had people like “LONG-TERMER” say “Look Anita, You Gonna Have Us Living In A Tent” We know they (meaning city officials) are doing this because of you.

Due to spoken words like that, I have taken the “INITIATIVE” to work closely with “ALL ENTITIES” including “BRANSON POLICE DEPT.” to assure people will move with dignity and respect, and eat while they make the transition.

It is because of “MY” actions, and “THEIR” newly introduced “Lodging Safety Initiative” program that “BRANSONOUTREACH” was formed. This program works “IN” the community, “FOR” the community, and in conjunctions with all Local, State, and Federal agencies to help identify, contain, and hopefully, dissolve the growing homeless population in Branson. This is done with a group of selfless people known as the “BRANSON OUTREACH WARRIORS” (AKA) “BRANSON FACEBOOK WARRIORS.”

Since the inception of the “LODGING SAFETY INITIATIVE” “I and the Branson Outreach Warriors” have played a vital role in making sure those who are forced out, due to property “OWNERS” lack of paperwork, license, etc., are moving without incident, and they are moving with respect.

I am in constant contact with “EVERY” entity I feel needs to be involved.

More important, I am trying to get city officials to understand the importance of providing “LONG-TERM” housing for the community, within the community that will rid us of these “OUT BY 5” entities like the Enclaves and Quarters.

Scammers should “NOT” be allowed to operate within the city limits as far as I am concerned. If a scam takes place and city is forced to shutdown a hotel, whether it be for repairs or neglect, “MAKE THE OWNERS” who have taken peoples livelihoods away after taking their money, be “RESPONSIBLE TO REIMBURSE THE CITY AS THE CITY SHOULD PUT A LIEN ON THE PROPERTY AND TAKE APPROPRIATE STEPS THEREAFTER.”

So far, Myself, and the “Branson Outreach Warriors” have helped 100’s of families obtain food, clothing, heating, etc., we have also raised funds to help with automobile purchase and auto needs. These services are provided in and around the Branson area.

If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. – BRANSONOUTREACH.COM

Anita Williams, Owner


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