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Anita Williams, Owner

Dear Lord, thank you for this “WONDERFUL” Sunday. This week was a very “GOOD” and “PRODUCTIVE” week.

Lord I am trying to “HONOR” your request as mentioned in Malachi 3:10. I want to bring you more “FLOCK” but first I must rid my town of “POOR” people, and the people that “I” feel (DON’T FIT IN”), EVEN THOSE I GREW UP WITH. That’s why “LORD” you provided me with a “GOOD” job and these “SLUM” housing. —- I’m “RAKING” in the “MONEY.”

So, this week I was “FORTUNATE”, with the help of “MY” best friends, HD/TRUSTED PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, “CASENET,” and “JUDGES” to put “SEVERAL” families out on the street.

It’s a beautiful thing, because I made sure “ONE” family was put out of my “SLUM” dwelling, (that you blessed me with), on “THANKSGIVING” day, a “BLESSED” day. What a “POWERFUL” feeling. ALL FOR YOU, DEAR LORD. Because I understand that 10% of my earning should be given to your “STOREHOUSE.” If these “POOR” people don’t pay up on time, then I can’t pay you on time, so “screw” those poor people.

Lord “I KNOW” “THEY” wanted me to “FIX” and “REPAIR” a few things that were “NECESSARY” and much “NEEDED” but, I don’t want “POOR” people to request me to “fix or repair” anything, that goes against my fellow “CONSTITUENTS” code. And being as recognized as I am, I have to show “NO” “EMPATHY” to these “POOR” people. If they don’t like what I do, I have “COURTS AND JUDGES” to fix my problems. I’M THE GOOD GUY.

Lord because of you, my family is good. My kids dress nice, eat well, “THEY” have “EVERYTHING” you wanted me to give them Lord, they attend “CHURCH,” and church schools, play sports, and at the end of the day, they rest their heads comfortably, in a warm bed. My wife is always in my corner as she is a true believer in you as I am.

So, this week “LORD” I will try and do “BETTER” and use my “SLUMS” to exact your “WILL” on “MORE” “POOR” people, so I can send them to my friends, at “MOTEL6” where “they” can house them in the back of their property, and “USE” them at their expense, until they pass away in that hole.

They have been asking for a Fully Functional, “HOUSING” “CODE ENFORCEMENT” TEAM to make the playing field is “MORE” equitable for all people, but that will hurt my pocket book.

Lord, you have provided me with a great team in HD Reality, TRUSTED PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, CASENET, and blessed me with, wonderful “JUDGES”.





Now, here is the “POWER” of “MY” GOD. Around 11:45 a.m. “TODAY” on this “BLESSED” Sunday. “I” received a call from a “Property” Management Company. The manager called to inform me that “I WILL BE RENTING” to you this week. I Completed the “WALK-THRU, and everything will be ready in a day or two. I am doing this because “YOU” were “HONEST” with me about your previous rental as you put this in writing on the application.

People of Sullivan, I am certain that “NOT” “EVERY” Management Company follow the “SULLIVAN CODE” – Make “BEGGER” out of renters, or banish to “MOTEL6” by way of “CASENET.”

Always, be “UP-FRONT” with people “SO” they can see “TRUTH” over “LIES.”

Everyone knows, if I left this place on the 25th – “THANKSGIVING DAY” knowing I have requested a “WALK-THRU” – By the time “MONDAY” arrived, this place would have been “MYSTERIOUSLY” “DESTROYED” and the blame placed on my family. Therefore, I am doing the most “RESPONSIBLE” thing, which is to make sure this place is “NOT” destroyed by staying in until the walk-thru as “MY” name is on this lease. WE KNOW PEOPLE BREAK IN THESE SLUMS. THEY SLEEP NEXT DOOR TOO.

JT himself have called my place of dwelling on “SEVERAL” occasions asking me to check my “CAMERAS” to see who was on the property. However, when he called, it was as if he was investigating “MATTERS” downstairs AND next door. YES, HE IS AN OFFICER TOO. He “NEVER” informed me that he “owned this place.” The calls were always in the “CAPACITY” of a City Official. So, I felt I was assisting my “City Official,” – NOT KNOWING MY CAMERAS WERE PROTECTING “HIS” SLUM PROPERTY.

So, he knows “BREAK-INS” are real in this neighborhood. I’m protecting my interest at this time. As stated “THIS PLACE WILL BE CLEANED” and a “WALK-THRU” IS WARRANTED.

Monday, 11:00 walk thru.

Anita Williams, Owner


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